Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to All!!

I find myself wishing there were more time to play, but like all good teachers, back to work we must go. By playing I mean, time to play with creating. I purchased clip art from djinkers and have been having so much fun!

I have yet to buy the license (I'm sure you know how that goes), but I thought I'd give a sneak preview. Hmmm....let's see if I can remember how I figured out how to make a picture into a jpeg. Here goes!  Ahh!!  Did it, but I still can't figure out how to....got it! 

I haven't made anything else yet, but I'll also show something from another game that's almost ready to ggo.

I can't figure out how to get the print to be where I want it, but I'm new to all this.

Any bloggers who are out there that would be willing to give me a little of your time, I'd appreciate it! 

By the way...how do you make a button for your blog?

Well...enough playing. Time to get to school so I'll be ready for tomorrow!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Simply Charmed with Love

Here we go...my first blog....and I'm still trying to figure out how everything works. My goal this year was to have a blog where I could post ideas, and share discoveries - because I love sharing - and eventually design to sell on teacher websites. Well, there's nothing like starting on the last day of the year, although I did spend many an hour yesterday to design the blog and to find just the right name!

I first wanted, "Once Upon a Time," but every variation of that name was taken....obviously not too creative....and I didn't like the names I had written out before. Well, maybe I'll work on the design of the template...Ah....found it in an amazingly short amount of time. Played around with some of the elements, then back to the name.

Hmmmm, let's try, "Simply Charming," because that's what the design evoked. Nope, taken. "Simply Charmed,"? That was taken too. Then I thought, "Simply Charmed with Love." It was perfect because the love could be given to, given by, and given back all at the same time. Any time we give of ourselves, we are given a gift of love from ourselves and from our students and colleagues who share in the delight of the gift. Any time we share something that has been given by someone else, we continue to pass forward the gift of love and the gift of teaching.

And thus, "Simply Charmed with Love," was born and the name became mine....to share. 

Blessing to all on this last day of 2012 and may the many blessings come to all in 2013! May our creativity continue to shine and blossom and grow in love.